Sunday, September 27, 2009


So I was thining about GOALS lately.
For the last five years my goals have been your average dreams of someone my age:
Get married, graduate college, get a masters degree, have a child, start my career.

Ok, well check, check, check, check, and check! I've done it. I'm there. I have arrived :)

So what are my goals NOW??!

Sure to be a good wife, mom, teacher, etc. Those were kinda already implied in the other goals.

So what now? I mean I am totally happy and content with my current life and I LOVE my husband, daughter, and job, but shouldn't I still be reaching for something?! All I've been doing up until this point in my life has been for what I have accomplished this past Summer.
Anyone have any ideas for new goals for my life? I'm listening :)

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