Sunday, May 31, 2009

food for thought

"I'm not perfect by any means I just serve a God who is."

In this world, no one is perfect and even followers of Christ have their ups and downs.
The great thing though, you can always count on, is even when we are at our worst, God is at His best.
Even when we mess up, we can come back to the throne of God, ask for forgiveness and just like that He is gracious to forgive.

A life lived for Him is never wasted and never stops.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

strawberries and strollers

I may regret saying this, but I think it's official: we finally have everything we need for baby.
Between buying a minivan and getting excited over things like strollers and carseats, I feel like I'm 30 already, but that's ok.

It is weird to be excited about a stroller though and we got ours last night!

I gathered up all my target gift cards and headed down to the much nicer, much bigger, StArBuCkS having Target in Greenbrier.
There I got a venti strawberries and cream :) which I don't need and this which I really really needed:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More showers...

This past Sunday was my work baby shower. We had the whole Hallmark crew there, as well as Emily, Jamie, and my mom :)

The party was at Debbie's house and we had a lot of fun.

Debbie made a beautiful, creative cake :)
(It says "Rebecca Rose" on the sleeves)

Jamie, Jess, and Candice did a great job with games and planning.

We played a game where you remembered the baby items in a basket and wrote them down.
...I got the basket afterwards. That may have been the best part of the game :)

We also got to guess baby food flavors.
I surprisingly did really well.
Laura and Debbie weren't real hungry after that one :)

Linda made a beautiful "cake" herself out of diapers and baby socks.
It was really cool.

It was just a good time and Rebecca got a lot of things she will def. be needing!!
Thanks everyone :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Church Baby Shower

On Saturday, May 2nd, My sister Candice threw me a baby shower at our church.

It was a lot of fun and she and everyone else who helped did a really great job. We also got a lot of stuff that will help when little Rebecca comes.
Thanks everyone!!!!

Jacquie, ME, Megan R, Megan J (sisterinlaw)

(Tanya, Stephanie, Mary, Kris, and Tatyana)

graduated and praying

After 5 years of constantly attending college classes, 4 practicums, the dreaded time in the child study center, and my student teaching, I am FINALLY able to say I am DONE.

I am now on the official job hunt to be a teacher.

This will be a tough, scary time considering the way things are going with jobs and the economy right now, but I believe God will help me find the job I need to help support Rebecca and us.

Please keep my job search in your prayers :)

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