Tuesday, July 14, 2009

becca's 2 wks old

Becca is now 2 weeks old!

I can't believe it has already been two weeks since I became a mother.

I think David and I have adjusted nicely to being parents and God knows our parents have completely embraced being grandparents :)
Having Rebecca has def. started a brand new life for us...one we look forward to with great anticipation. Everything has new meaning. This Thanksgiving and Christmas will be unlike any other because we will have a baby to share it with and which of course will change every holiday after that as well. Of course we are always busy, but it's a good thing and something we will adapt to as life gets even more hectic as I begin my teaching career this fall.

Sometimes I worry about what's to come, but just looking at Rebecca and David I know everything will be ok and even when it gets hard I'll always have them to remind me it's all worth it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th wedding anniversary

For the past 2 weeks David has been home on disability due to his knee surgery.
During this time we also had our beautiful baby girl, Rebecca.

David has always been known to be a little queezy at the sight of throw-up or needles, but he was absolutely amazing throughout the entire labor and delivery, not to mention cutting the cord.

He also stayed with me for 4 long nights in the hospital on one of the most uncomfortable chairs ever.
On top of all of that, we are now home with our baby and he is a pro when it comes to changing diapers or anything.

I am just so happy I am blessed to have a great husband and now he is a great father too and
we've been married for four wonderful years as of today :)

Friday, July 3, 2009


So Dave and I have stepped into a new chapters of our lives: PARENTHOOD

this is our brand new, beautiful baby girl.

Rebecca Rose Jimerson
8 pounds even
19 1/4 inches long
born July 1, 2009
4:11 am

Not 24 hours after entering this world, Becca had her own website thanks to her uncle Daniel and Aunt Adrienne: http://web.me.com/pastord1/Site/Welcome.html
It's amazing just thinking about the technology she will grow up with if she's already got her own webpage.

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