Thursday, September 16, 2010

school and family

Today was a good day in pre-k.
The first two weeks are always difficult. One of my biggest difficulties is teaching my students to stand in a straight line. You really forget from September to September how much these little ones don't know when they come to pre-school. You have to remember all over that it's their FIRST time doing any of this and it takes a lot of time to get them going.

Today one of my girl students (we'll call her Jill) had a nice discussion with me.
Jill: "My mom and dad live in different places"
Me: "Do you live with mom or dad"
Jill: "I live all by myself"
Me: "really?, all alone"
Jill: "Yep, all alone in my really big house!"
Me: "How can you afford that?"
Jill: "I just can"

My other little girl (we'll call her Penny) took me by surprise.
Me: "Hey, do you know your birthday is coming!?"
Penny: "yea. Do you know how old I'll be?"
Me: "You're going to be 4!"
Penny: "How did you know that?"
Me: "Well, teachers know a lot of stuff"
Penny: "hmm, I'm impressed"

Teaching can be challenging at times, but it by far more amusing!

Becca Rose is doing great! She is getting so big and so FAST! I get a work out with her!
Today she decided to say grandma ("gra-gra) to my mom and my mom was so excited!

On a sadder note: my mother-in-law is in the hospital for blood clots in both her lungs. She is on blood thinner for about 6 months and is very upset. Keep her in your prayers

If you've ever tried to take a one-year-old to the hospital, you know it can be a challenge. We've gone once because I know she wants to see Becca and I want to brighter her day a little but it's not the easiest thing.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Becca Says...

As much as I love to brag about my little girl, I'm making this list because my friends/co-workers are asking "What is Rebecca saying?" and I can never think of what she is saying at that moment!

These are the words my little girl has said so far in her 14 months of life:

"hi daddy"
"pa, pa" = Grandpa
"pop" = Pops
"up" (while looking up)
"buh" = Buck(Mimi's dog)

Any suggestions on what we should work on next? I'm all ears :)

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