Today was a good day in pre-k.
The first two weeks are always difficult. One of my biggest difficulties is teaching my students to stand in a straight line. You really forget from September to September how much these little ones don't know when they come to pre-school. You have to remember all over that it's their FIRST time doing any of this and it takes a lot of time to get them going.
Today one of my girl students (we'll call her Jill) had a nice discussion with me.
Jill: "My mom and dad live in different places"
Me: "Do you live with mom or dad"
Jill: "I live all by myself"
Me: "really?, all alone"
Jill: "Yep, all alone in my really big house!"
Me: "How can you afford that?"
Jill: "I just can"
My other little girl (we'll call her Penny) took me by surprise.
Me: "Hey, do you know your birthday is coming!?"
Penny: "yea. Do you know how old I'll be?"
Me: "You're going to be 4!"
Penny: "How did you know that?"
Me: "Well, teachers know a lot of stuff"
Penny: "hmm, I'm impressed"
Teaching can be challenging at times, but it by far more amusing!
Becca Rose is doing great! She is getting so big and so FAST! I get a work out with her!
Today she decided to say grandma ("gra-gra) to my mom and my mom was so excited!
On a sadder note: my mother-in-law is in the hospital for blood clots in both her lungs. She is on blood thinner for about 6 months and is very upset. Keep her in your prayers
If you've ever tried to take a one-year-old to the hospital, you know it can be a challenge. We've gone once because I know she wants to see Becca and I want to brighter her day a little but it's not the easiest thing.
sorry to hear about your MIL. hope she can come home soon. we just took joel to my grandpa in the hospital. he had fun with riding on the wheelchair but was a handful. i brought a whole bag of yougurt covered raisins to keep the boys quiet since i know my grandpa likes to see them.