Let's talk about DIAPERS
First of all, if you cloth diaper, I have nothing against you. It's your choice and there is nothing harmful or wrong about using cloth diapers. They can even be pretty cute. They also save you some money if you use it for the entirety of your child's diaper-wearing years.
I do have a problem with people who think disposable diapers are wrong and hurt their children and yes, I have to take this personally. These people are saying that for the first 2-3 years of my daughter's life I put harmful chemicals on her skin every day. And really, if you think it's that bad, why wouldn't you tell me? I knew nothing of these diaper worries when I was diapering my child.
Since I'm so amazed at how many people think disposable diapers actually hurt their child, I decided I would look directly at an argument against disposables and show you why I think it's all a made up fear that can't be proven. Let's look at why people think disposable diapers are so scary.
I'm the one writing in purple, the rest is the article/blog I'd like to debate.
"Have you ever wondered what makes modern disposable diapers so super-absorbent? It’s a chemical compound called Sodium Polyacrylate. This compound binds to liquids and can hold 200 to 300 times its weight, turning from a powdery substance into a gooey gel. It is also used in some potting soils to help the soil retain water. If you’ve ever changed a diaper and found small gel balls on your child’s skin, it is most likely the Sodium Polyacrylate crystals. Have you ever seen a child who has gone swimming in one of these? It almost look like the child is holding a balloon between his or her legs and the diaper looks ready to burst. Sodium Polyacrylate crystals were once used in tampons until they were later removed due to their relation to Toxic Shock Syndrome."
Ok, I hear this one a lot. I've changed A LOT of diapers in my life. All different brands. My mother did daycare in our home growing up, I volunteered in our church nursery starting as a teenager, I babysat neighborhood kids, I've changed my nieces and nephews, and of course my own child got 1000s of diapers changed by me in her life. In all these diaper changes, I have never seen any of this "gooey gel" or "gel balls." I don't know where anyone gets this "gel" idea from.
The bleaching process also leaves many chemicals behind in the fibers of disposable diapers. Chlorine bleach leaves behind toxins called “dioxins.” Dioxins can cause problems in the endocrine systems (hormones) and are also carcinogens. Dioxins are found in many brands of disposable diapers and prolonged exposure to these dioxins may be related to infertility later in life. Certain cloth diapers may also contain trace levels of dioxins due to the bleach used to treat the fibers in the cloth, however these dioxins are washed out during the one to two pre-washes suggested before the baby ever wears the diapers. Babies wearing disposable diapers are exposed to these dioxins up to 24 hours a day.
Ok, so disposables cause infertility? Alright, I'll consider this. I dug up some percetages from parent ing sites and the U.S. census. The figures I found vary between 5-10% of babies using cloth diapers in 2000. This may be going up now a days, so let's just give cloth diapers the 10 or even 15%. So, 85- 90% of babies are wearing disposables. The percentage I'm seeing for infertility in United States couples is 15%---and you may want to add to this since obviously this is not something people shout from the rooftops. Either way, I'm not seeing the link there are you? If diapers truly caused infertility problems and 85% of people used them as children, wouldn't there be MORE infertility problems---at least closer to half for those who share that they are having problems.
Ok, ok so you don't think the statistics are good---alright. Take your own sample, look at the people around you---you know anyone who used cloth diapers who is now an adult? And then of course you know tons who used disposables. Any correlation found? Probably not. There is no connection between diapers and infertility what-so-ever.
Disposable diapers also contain chemicals and compounds that act as respiratory irritants that can cause asthma and asthma-like symptoms. These are toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, styrene and isoproplybenzene. The rise of asthma rates and the introduction of certain chemicals and scents into diapers appear to be linked. Cloth diapers do not out-gas any of these chemicals. What’s more, some diapers also use special dyes that change color to indicate that the diaper is wet and of course, plastics and adhesives are used to make the diaper tabs.
Ok, so I didn't take the time to actually look up anything for this one. What I can tell you is I'm a teacher and asthma rates are rising, but it's the same reason autistic rates rise--- we can find it sooner and know when a child has the symptoms for it. So yea, there's still that huge percentage of people who use disposable diapers and yes, we are getting better at noticing problems in children sooner and are able to help them sooner and that's a great thing!
Let's also consider all the chemicals via clothes/laundry detergents, etc that are on underwear after diapers and where they touch your body. You are exposed to a lot more than you may realize. Diapers are probably the least of your worries. Oh, and if you are a mom on a budget like me you have never gotten special smelling diapers/wipes or ones with fancy wet-indicators either, haha. I'm not sure why they mention "plastics and adhesives" I don't think those things are bad and can't be avoided if they are. Car seats are made out of plastic right? Strollers? Should we be freaking out? Ok, might have taken that too far, but I'm probably not the first.
---On another note, disposable diapers are sold everywhere imaginable. If there was a true concern for them harming children in these ways, diaper companies would have to reformulate their diapers or certain diaper companies would be stopped. You don't think they would do this to the big diaper companies? Well, there was no problem taking all baby Tylenol off the shelves in my town until they fixed whatever problem there was with that and have you seen how many toys/children items they recall monthly? It is a ridiculous amount just because someone left their kid alone long enough to hurt themselves with a toy and then let the company know about it. With as much as recalls happen on products of all kinds (even cars) I doubt a children's item that was harmful would last on shelves for long.
The most serious health concerns linked to using disposable diapers don’t occur until later in life–such as childhood asthma and male infertility. As for me, my baby is wearing cloth diapers and I’m glad I don’t need to wonder what sort chemicals they are out-gassing or if he is absorbing carcinogenic dioxins through his tush. I feel good about that.
I'm not sure about you, but I can feel good about my kid who has always been in disposables. Again, cloth diapers--fine, good, great! What ever makes you happy. But don't tell me I'm hurting my kid.
And I'm not trying to win the debate of which is better: cloth or disposable. It really doesn't matter to me. Let's just respect our decisions as moms to do what we feel is best for our kids and not make each other feel bad for whatever we decide.
Loving Life!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Thursday, September 16, 2010
school and family
Today was a good day in pre-k.
The first two weeks are always difficult. One of my biggest difficulties is teaching my students to stand in a straight line. You really forget from September to September how much these little ones don't know when they come to pre-school. You have to remember all over that it's their FIRST time doing any of this and it takes a lot of time to get them going.
Today one of my girl students (we'll call her Jill) had a nice discussion with me.
Jill: "My mom and dad live in different places"
Me: "Do you live with mom or dad"
Jill: "I live all by myself"
Me: "really?, all alone"
Jill: "Yep, all alone in my really big house!"
Me: "How can you afford that?"
Jill: "I just can"
My other little girl (we'll call her Penny) took me by surprise.
Me: "Hey, do you know your birthday is coming!?"
Penny: "yea. Do you know how old I'll be?"
Me: "You're going to be 4!"
Penny: "How did you know that?"
Me: "Well, teachers know a lot of stuff"
Penny: "hmm, I'm impressed"
Teaching can be challenging at times, but it by far more amusing!
Becca Rose is doing great! She is getting so big and so FAST! I get a work out with her!
Today she decided to say grandma ("gra-gra) to my mom and my mom was so excited!
On a sadder note: my mother-in-law is in the hospital for blood clots in both her lungs. She is on blood thinner for about 6 months and is very upset. Keep her in your prayers
If you've ever tried to take a one-year-old to the hospital, you know it can be a challenge. We've gone once because I know she wants to see Becca and I want to brighter her day a little but it's not the easiest thing.
The first two weeks are always difficult. One of my biggest difficulties is teaching my students to stand in a straight line. You really forget from September to September how much these little ones don't know when they come to pre-school. You have to remember all over that it's their FIRST time doing any of this and it takes a lot of time to get them going.
Today one of my girl students (we'll call her Jill) had a nice discussion with me.
Jill: "My mom and dad live in different places"
Me: "Do you live with mom or dad"
Jill: "I live all by myself"
Me: "really?, all alone"
Jill: "Yep, all alone in my really big house!"
Me: "How can you afford that?"
Jill: "I just can"
My other little girl (we'll call her Penny) took me by surprise.
Me: "Hey, do you know your birthday is coming!?"
Penny: "yea. Do you know how old I'll be?"
Me: "You're going to be 4!"
Penny: "How did you know that?"
Me: "Well, teachers know a lot of stuff"
Penny: "hmm, I'm impressed"
Teaching can be challenging at times, but it by far more amusing!
Becca Rose is doing great! She is getting so big and so FAST! I get a work out with her!
Today she decided to say grandma ("gra-gra) to my mom and my mom was so excited!
On a sadder note: my mother-in-law is in the hospital for blood clots in both her lungs. She is on blood thinner for about 6 months and is very upset. Keep her in your prayers
If you've ever tried to take a one-year-old to the hospital, you know it can be a challenge. We've gone once because I know she wants to see Becca and I want to brighter her day a little but it's not the easiest thing.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Becca Says...

As much as I love to brag about my little girl, I'm making this list because my friends/co-workers are asking "What is Rebecca saying?" and I can never think of what she is saying at that moment!
These are the words my little girl has said so far in her 14 months of life:
"hi daddy"
"pa, pa" = Grandpa
"pop" = Pops
"up" (while looking up)
"buh" = Buck(Mimi's dog)
These are the words my little girl has said so far in her 14 months of life:
"hi daddy"
"pa, pa" = Grandpa
"pop" = Pops
"up" (while looking up)
"buh" = Buck(Mimi's dog)
Any suggestions on what we should work on next? I'm all ears :)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
goodbye summer, it's been fun!
I can't believe summer is over and I will be starting my second year of teaching!
I don't know where the time has gone!
I loved being home with Becca, but a little change will be nice too.
The nice part is that even after I go back on Thursday, the kids do not return until after labor day, so I have to adjust back to my normal schedule before actually teaching.
This year will be harder to leave Rebecca. She has become more attached to me lately and I will really feel bad leaving her this year, but mom's got to do what she's got to do!

For those that missed it here is a picture of her first birthday on July 1st! Yes, that's me in the background, but ignore that!
Along with a HUGE 1st birthday party, we also went swimming a lot this summer.
Becca loves the water. She took to it so easily and acts like she just wants to take off and swim on her own and can't get enough of bath time. Our little water baby :)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
So I was thining about GOALS lately.
For the last five years my goals have been your average dreams of someone my age:
Get married, graduate college, get a masters degree, have a child, start my career.
Ok, well check, check, check, check, and check! I've done it. I'm there. I have arrived :)
So what are my goals NOW??!
Sure to be a good wife, mom, teacher, etc. Those were kinda already implied in the other goals.
So what now? I mean I am totally happy and content with my current life and I LOVE my husband, daughter, and job, but shouldn't I still be reaching for something?! All I've been doing up until this point in my life has been for what I have accomplished this past Summer.
Anyone have any ideas for new goals for my life? I'm listening :)

For the last five years my goals have been your average dreams of someone my age:
Get married, graduate college, get a masters degree, have a child, start my career.
Ok, well check, check, check, check, and check! I've done it. I'm there. I have arrived :)
So what are my goals NOW??!
Sure to be a good wife, mom, teacher, etc. Those were kinda already implied in the other goals.
So what now? I mean I am totally happy and content with my current life and I LOVE my husband, daughter, and job, but shouldn't I still be reaching for something?! All I've been doing up until this point in my life has been for what I have accomplished this past Summer.
Anyone have any ideas for new goals for my life? I'm listening :)

Friday, August 28, 2009
After 5 LONG years..I am now officially, without a doubt a TEACHER!
The Summer is coming to a close and although I basically haven't been working since June I've been VERY busy.
Looking for a job is the most time-consuming thing a person can do. In fact, to find a good job you really need not to have a job so you can attend interviews until you find one! THAT is not right. How is anyone suppose to make their lives better if they have to quit their current job just to 'look" for another one. It's not right...but that is how it is.
Luckily, after putting an application in for every school district around here, including the neighboring state of North Carolina, I was fortunate enough to be offered a real, live teaching job. I was getting very scared that I would have NO job at all and with a new baby that is REALLY scary.
First I was offered a job in Portsmouth and I don't even know why. I had been to about 10 interviews after I had this "winning" one. This one went HORRIBLE and it was the ONLY one that had been like that. I just KNEW when I left that school that they were not going to hire me. To my surprise, just a few hours later, I received a call and a job offer. I orginally accepted this offer and was pumping myself up for third grade...
then as I was walking through Target I got another call from an interview I had almost a week ago. This time it was Newport News and although people may think I'm crazy for travelling this far every day, the school there was SOO much nicer and the interview went so much better. The staff was also the friendliest I had met and I love the idea of teaching pre-k a lot better. :)
The job is ALL-day pre-school. It's the same group of students from 930-4 with NO NAP.
I will have 18 students and a teacher's assistant, but the greatest thing I think is that every Wednesday the students leave 3 hours early and the teachers get a planning time for themselves!
I haven't even received my classroom yet and "Meet your Teacher Night" is September 3rd!
"YAY! Mom's a Teacher!"
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